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Job Market Place


Job boards have been around before the Internet was even accessible to the public. From newspapers to bulletin boards in some institutions, people needed these lists to find the right jobs for them. With the devices present today, job marketplace platforms have dominated the job hunts.


Online Job Marketplaces have gained popularity throughout the years. LinkedIn is one of the most popular job boards you might have come across. These platforms are used for job seekers to post their portfolios and resumes while companies post job openings.

  • Platform for Job Seekers to Search for Jobs

  • Platform for Job Seekers to Create their ResumΓ© and Portfolio

  • Platform for Companies to Post Jobs

How We Can Help With Your Job Marketplace Platform?


Two-Sided Platform

When creating a job marketplace platform, you need to think of the two groups of visitors you will need to cater the web application for; the employers and the employment seeking. We make sure to integrate bespoke technology to ensure the best user experience for everyone around.


Premium Services

Owning such a platform brings you profit from the various services and premium memberships you will need to set up. Our team of experts works on strategizing the most profitable premium services to ensure availability for all visitors and to grow your business further.


Privacy and Security

With the large number of members you will have, you need to create a safe space for all the valuable information your platform will be storing. We share our knowledge on the matter and make sure to provide you with top security measures to ensure the privacy of all visitors and members.


Friendly User Experience

For employers to find the best people to hire and for job seekers to find the best companies to work with, your platform needs to include features and plugins that will ensure the seamlessness of your website. At Beirut In, we make sure to integrate end-to-end features that will provide your members with numerous tools for communication, payments and project journeys. We also include various algorithmic rating systems that will give a professional approach to both groups of your platform.


ResumΓ© and Project Building

Offer your members training and tools to create the perfect resumΓ© for their potential employers. We also work on integrating the same tools for employers to build eye catching job opening proposals that will attract anyone.

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    What do you need to know.

    Why do I need a personal website?

    A personal website is important to build your personal identity, credibility and authenticity. It is your own space to speak up to the world in a way that reflects your personality and vision.

    What makes it different from other types?

    A personal website has a neat design that helps you connect directly with your audience, it also includes communication features that make your visitors feel comfortable and reach out easily.

    Is it easy to edit my own website content?

    Absolutely, it is super easy to sign in to your website and edit your pages’ content and add new blog articles and images.

    We want to ensure a secure and profitable experience for all visitors, members and partners of this large platform.

    Why us?

    Top Prices

    You won’t find better deals anywhere else.

    On-Time Delivery

    Your seamless web application will be live in no time.


    Stay one-of-a-kind. No website will be like yours.

    Expert Designers and Writers

    We bring you experts you can trust with your online image.

    Online Payment Professionals

    We know the best of the most secure online payment gateways and we are ready to share the secrets.

    Plugins and Features

    All the features in the world for seamless educational, financial and administrative solutions.

    User Experience

    We focus on giving you and your customers a seamless user experience.


    Just like our websites, we are always ready to answer all your questions.

    Control your online future. Grow your website traffic. Reach bigger opportunities .