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Four Ways Ecommerce Businesses Can Increase Brand Outreach

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The world of ecommerce is filled with online businesses that are looking to increase their brand exposure and expand their outreach. If you are an ecommerce business owner, you might be worried about getting your voice across with all the noise around you. Granted, the internet is a crowded place, but you still have businesses that are able to break through and succeed. These businesses are more than just lucky, they use different tactics that help them stand out and connect with an online audience. As for you, you can start achieving similar levels of brand awareness in four different ways:

  1. Segmentation and Retargeting

Segmentation is the organization of an audience into subgroups based on collected data, such as demographic and behavioral information, which serves to inform marketing. To collect the needed information, you might rely on customer interviews, surveys, or web analytics like Google Analytics.

Retargeting, meanwhile, is the method of using ads to reach out to audiences who have already browsed your site and socials, or who have conducted business with you before. The point is to win these people back as customers on your website.

Segmentation allows for better retargeting, as the ads can then be tailored and made relevant to the people you are trying to reach. This way, you can bring in more positive attention to your brand and create greater affinity.

  1. Smart Email Marketing

Email marketing seems outdated in comparison to the emerging forms of marketing, but our advice is to not give up on it just yet, as email remains a very effective marketing tool for ecommerce.

The effectiveness of email marketing, however, depends on how smart your plan is. For example, we recommend that you grow your email list and keep it updated, but also integrate segmentation and retargeting to your email marketing plan to help you better target people with your brand.

This leads us to another important point, which is email personalization. Personalized emails are important because they are more likely to be opened and can win you more business. To personalize emails, you can make the design attractive and mobile-friendly, address the receiver by name, and customize content and product recommendations.

Send emails on a regular basis, but make sure you have something valuable to communicate, such as product announcements and promotions. You can also send out emails to remind customers to complete a purchase on your platform. These “abandoned cart” emails have proven to be quite effective in recovering lost sales.

  1. Boosting Positive Reviews

Boosting ratings and reviews is an important way to project brand excellence and increase discussion about your business, ultimately leading to more engagement and sales.

First of all, make sure you have enough reviews for your products and services to warrant customer consideration. After making sales, encourage people to review their experiences until you have reached a comfortable number of reviews.

Ratings and reviews can be featured on your platforms, or be included on other websites and apps dedicated to such purposes and from there be shared on your various platforms. You might also utilize social media and its features, like Instagram highlights, to showcase the positive messages and feedback that you receive directly to your account.

Whatever the case, there is bound to be a place where people can communicate their opinions. Use this to your advantage to create a community around your business. This serves to increase trust in the business, as well as increase brand visibility and popularity.

As for negative reviews, allow them to become a starting point to improve product quality. Do your best to address concerns communicated to you as a means to raise reviews and elevate brand image.

  1. SEO-Friendly Website

SEO, or search engine optimization, is about making your website or webpages more visible on search engines like Google. There are over a hundred factors that go into this complicated process, but when your site is SEO-friendly, search engines will register this, garnering your site more exposure and hits.

Importantly, your website needs to be optimized in a way that makes it user-friendly and useful to the searches that people conduct. Crucial here are elements like URLs, title tags, content, internal links, to mention a few.

One specific tip is to make sure you use keywords in title tags, content, and URLs that allow your site to appear in relevant searches. There are online tools to help you determine which keywords work best.

Another tip includes incorporating internal links on your site. These help with navigation and allow search engines to keep track of your webpages. Make sure to add relevant links and use descriptive anchor texts that include important keywords. You can also rely on tools like Google Search Console to see how your internal links are working.


There are a number of ways you can increase your brand’s outreach as an ecommerce business. We’ve already mentioned here four specific and effective ways to do so.

It is important to utilize these tactics together and integrate them for better outcome, as they overlap at certain points. For example, segmentation can help improve email marketing and earning many good reviews can play an important role in SEO.

As stated earlier, the internet might be a crowded place for ecommerce, but that shouldn’t dissuade you from employing smart tactics online that will let your brand reach new heights of success.

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