Whenever we talk about the Content Management System, we have a lot of platforms to choose from, and all of them enable us to create the type of website we want. However, choosing the best content management system is a little more challenging so here we are going to discuss how to build a website using the best CMS.
A quick intro to the Content Management System:
CMS is a software application or a set of program that is basically used to create and manage the digital content. It also enables you to manage the web content in an intuitive fashion.
For example, we can directly publish the articles for the content written in our Notepad, TextEdit. Using the best CMS option you can index your content, also make changes to it, format it using the visual editors, and more.
You must not get confused a CMS with the Website Builder. CMS requires hosting installation and domain purchasing whereas, Website Builders are out-of-box tools where you get all the features at a time without any installation and hosting efforts. CMS is the best one-step option for website development.
What can be created using a CMS Platform?
Many people think that CMSs are just for blogging, there is no denying the fact that the best CMSs were originally developed from blogging in mind. But the truth is that nowadays you can use CMs in any type of project you want because it is so flexible. And they are very ideal for those websites that are built around content creation and sharing. Use can simply use them to create simple blogs, websites, portfolios etc. In order to tackle the advanced web projects, CMS tools are used such as online stores, forums and, private membership sites.
Best CMS features must include:
- A way to easily publish new content
- Content taxonomy options
- Page editing functionality
- High-level customizability
- Strong community
These are the five features for the best CMS that anyone could expect. If you want your E-commerce website to look different and attractive, then you must use the best CMS.
Here in this Article, we are going to discuss the best two CMS that is WordPress and Joomla.
WordPress –
Many blogging platforms have come and go, but now WordPress. Since 2003 it was very simple and ubiquitous blogging site to the best preferred open source platform for web development as it is one of the most widely used CMS. The platform is easy to use and you can easily customize it according to your own will. You can easily format your content using a powerful editor and publishing new posts and pages is very simple.
- Cost-effective
- Can easily update site no matter wherever you are
- SEO ready
- Convenient transformation
- Easily upgrade your site’s capabilities
- Ideal for Aggressive Content Marketing
- Ultimate social media integration
- Increase site security
- Easy transition
- Responsive Web Design
So these are the advantages of using WordPress.
Key Features:
- Simplicity makes it possible for you to get online quickly.
- Provides powerful editor so that you can easily format your content
- Highly customizable
- Flexibility can create any type of website you want
- Publish with ease, publishing tools
- User and media management
- Easy theme systems, extended the plug-in
Joomla –
It was created in the year 2003; Joomla currently has around 3 million websites running. It is considered being an increasingly popular CMS after WordPress. It is a great option when you need to manage a lot of ‘custom post types’. When it comes to user management it offers you a lot more options. It’s one of the main advantages is that you need not to use plug-in or extensions if you want to add a language. You can also use multiple templates and themes at once.
- Publishing Blogs is as easy as ABC
- Open Source infrastructure
- Flexibility
- Easy E-commerce
- Strong user community
- Basic Built-in SEO functionality
So, these are the basic advantages of using Joomla.
Key Features:
- Fully database driven
- Offers excellent custom post type support
- Advanced user management option
- Content updated easily without software experience
- Customizable template design
- Multilingual support is included out of the box
Choosing which CMS to use is all about personal picking an OS (operating system). Both the CMS is best in their own way as both of them have supporters and detractors.
It’s not only about creating the best website but doing Digital Marketing in a proper way is also needed.
WordPress or Joomla!!!
The Choice is yours…